
Thursday 31 March 2011

Having fun on youtube

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Im back with a weigh in

Friday 25 March 2011

Its been a while :)

Well Hi guys, as you all may have noticed i have been away for sometime now, well things have been kind of well poop for me recently. A while back i took a blood test as part of a NHS survey, i got the results back and to say the least i shit myself (Pardon the language) the results told me that i was alot worse than i thought. My Vitiman D level which are supposed to be 125 were minus 10, which is really really bad as it indicates kidney or liver problems and starving all the time and stuff. My cholestorol was borderline high at 5.1. The worst was my C-Reactive Protien levels and Fibrogenen where very very high which is result eventually in heart disease and kidney and digestion problems as well as inflammation resulting in me being so damn heavy!

So to say they least i have been a bit para lol, but been to doctors and got some re-assurance and more tests done (Still waiting results) so ive been busy sorting things out and spending time with family and friends.

Anyhoo depressing stuff aside, today i managed to walk a masive 3.7 miles which is really really alot for me! So im so so happy about that and when i got home i did my resistance tube and weights so have a feeling ill be a bit painfull tomorrow lol. My feet are in agony to say the least, they are all red and bloody sore haha! All worth it tho.

How are all you guys? Please leave a comment below, hope you are all well and spk soon

Saturday 12 March 2011

Giveaway and more!

Hi guys so first of all let me take this chance to say my thoughts are with everyone involved in the Japan isaster, my heart goes out to all of you. I am sure everyone feels the same and wish you all the best in the recovery an getting things sorted!

So onto this week and its shenanigins (If thats how ou spell it) lol! This week i have been a bad person lol, i havent been able to keep up my training routine or stuff, i have had a lot on my mind lately with trying to find employment and saving to move house and things. I am just about to get ready and go out a walk the now, i am going round my block again in the hope i can make it 5 times this effort! So as you can probably guess by the title of this post, i am going to be making a giveaway video tonight as i promised in a video a while back.

I said id do one once i got to 50 subscribers and yey i have 51 now, so at first i wanted t do a bigger giveaway but unfortuneatly due to me being skint i can only giveaway a slightly more personnal cheap gift, i am going to be giving away a 4gig USB pen drive full of my favourite workout routines and a personnal txt file with a message to the winner. I know its not much guys and for that i apologise, but this way its a slightly more personnal thoughtfull gift. The rules will be posted below for the giveaway.

So how have all you guys been? I hope yo are all keeping up the good work on your weight loss and i continually keep watching all of my subcribers videos. Ill be uploaing a video or two tonight so speak to you guys soon, all the best, your pal Phatslim


1. You MUST be subscribed to my youtube channel
2. You MUST leave at least one comment on my giveaway video saying "I want to win"
3. You MUST follow my written blog
4. You MUST follow me on Twitter

I will pick a winner through a site that picks a comment at random so there is no chance of favouritism, i will be making  video in 2 weeks 26th March 2011 8pm UK time announcing the winner to give everyone a fair chance to comment on the video and have their chance of winning!

Good luck guys

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Missing In Action :)

Hi guys so to begin with sorry i havent been on this or my youtube in a week, due to my exercise and stuff i have huge rashes and lumps on my legs an thighs so i have been in severe pain lol!

So i am just after recording some stuff for you all so ill have that uploaded tomorrow. In the next few days i will be doing "Getting to know you Tag" an "Design my Youtube Channel" videos so keep an eye out for them, hopefully i will be back at my exercise in next couple of days or so. But anyway i just thought id come on an let you guys know what was happening and where i have been :)

As mentioned above im looking for someone to design me a youtube channel theme and the winner will recieve a great gift! More detils to come and will also be in my video when uploaded :)

Hope you all have a great day or night and speak to you all soon x

Thursday 3 March 2011

Accent Tag East Ayrshire vs Glasgow

Me and Evas accent tag video guys, i hope you all enjoy as we had so much fun making it lol! :)

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Weigh in and more!

Hi guys so today I had my weigh in for the month, I am so so happy with this one as I've worked so hard to get it lol, i now weigh 29.9 stone, so I have lost a further 10 pounds. I also went a little walk round my block today and obviously to the shops to weigh myself, I felt really good coz my back was hardly painful at all, there was no struggling to breathe either which was a major major difference.

If you guys would like to watch my weigh in vlog then you can find it among my other videos at  I hope you enjoy it as its my longest video yet!

Also today I got ll my shoppng in like my Tune, Pasta, Rice, Chicken and loads more, I have yet to buy my potien I get that on Friday or day after, right now tho I do have my protien bars to get me by or for the days I dont want protien then I have my good old reliable porridge oats lol!

So after typing this I am going to be recording another video for my fiance Eva which is the infamous Accent Tag video, that will also be on my youtube channel so please check that out (Its a promise to be funny) So im off to finish uploading todys vlog and i'll talk to you guys tomorrow or day after, peace out :)

So much stuff, so little time

Hi guys so welcome to my attempt at my first blog lol, I am totally new at using this so please bear with me and I'll get there :)

So as you probably already know I spend most of my time on Youtube doing my weight loss vlog as well as other random vidoes. Well I thought I would start this as a way for you to check up on me daily incase I miss any uploading days or whatever. If you dont know my vlogs then let me inform you lol, I started my weight loss vlog on Dec 2010 and when I started I weighed in at just over 31 stone which is about 440 pounds. Well I have always been kind of heavy built all my life but never have a ever felt this bad about things, I can hardly walk or stand or do anything normal from day to day which is so frustrating, so this time I am more determine than ever and I have the support of all my friends, family and of course all of my subscribers on youtube and facebook.
I am currently dong not too bad on it, today is the 02 March and I weigh in at just over 29 stone so I am really happy with that, just to let you guys know what i get upto food wise;

In the morning I will have a protien shake due to my bad teeth as I dont like eating when i just wake up (I grind my teeth all night which really hurts) then about an hour or 2 after that I'll have a muesli bar or fruit then for lunch I'll have either white rice and fish or chicken or some days tuna pasta with sweetcorn, an hour or 2 after that I'll have fruit again then a few hours after that I'll have my Dinner which is usually mashed potato and chicken with broccolli.

I am feeling real good lately walking plenty and training, you should check out my videos at I hope you enjoy and I'll be updating this either tomorrow or the next day and I promise it will be no later than that :) Thanks guys